
Frequently Asked Questions

Find the information you need to place or troubleshoot your Callahan Attorney order.

What if I do not have the address of the individual to be served?2023-08-03T13:00:34+00:00

Our office can perform a skip trace to locate a current residential address for an enjoyable to be served.

How quickly can you get somebody served?2023-08-03T13:00:08+00:00

We always leave room in our schedule to accommodate rush or on-demand service of process. We can generally get documents out for the first attempt within two hours of receiving the documents.

What happens if the person will not answer the door for the process server?2023-08-03T12:59:48+00:00

If over the course of days our process server determines the individual is evading service, we can recommend and perform a stakeout to serve the individual on the way out at their home or business. There is a separate fee for a stakeout.

How many attempts are made to complete service?2023-08-03T12:59:23+00:00

Our fee for service includes unlimited attempts at the address that you provide until service is completed.

What is the cost for someone to be served?2023-08-03T12:57:39+00:00

FLATE FEE UNLIMITED ATTEMPTS covering all of San Diego County.

Experience Callahan’s personal touch.

Callahan is proud to be family owned and operated since 2006 and can be reached 7 days a week by phone or email to address any of your urgent Service of Process or Court Filing needs.

We’re here to help you.